Saturday, September 29, 2012

Soul-centric reasoning is reliable method to reach the realm of the soul, which is ultimate reality or Brahman.

The soul is inherent in everything and everywhere in the three states. Therefore the duality (I’ or waking or universe) rises and subsides in the soul.  Thus the permanent is the soul, the innermost  self and the three states are impermanent. The impermanent is illusion on the standpoint of the soul, the innermost self. 

Theory of Creator and creation is religious fable. Idea of creator and creation is possible only in duality. Duality is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint.  In non-dual reality there is neither creation nor creator. Cause and effect theory holds good only when the judgment and reason is based on the base of the false self within the false experience. 

If there is a watch then there has to be a watch maker, therefore if there is creation there has to be a creator.  If this is so, than who is the creator of that creator. It is never ending thought process and it is impossible to find answer and to reach any conclusion and reach ultimate end.  Such dualistic theories are imagined theories holding the false self as real self and false experience as reality. Therefore there is a need to first to make sure whether the self is form or self is formless before accepting any theories. All this religious theories can only satisfy those who are not interested in knowing the truth of their true existence but who are immersed in the practical life by accepting the practical world as reality. Orthodox classes are the prisoners of theoretical teachings and theoretical philosophy who stay like frog in the pond and lock themselves egocentric prison.   

Until they drop all this priest oriented baggage it is impossible to reach the ultimate end of understanding. Without reaching the ultimate end Self–Realization is impossible. By surrendering to any physical guru and indulging in his service, by following his instruction will not lead the seeker to the inner path. The mantra, tantra and yantra are not the means for self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  

 The hallucination created by religion such as god, heaven, hell, karma, sin when they start growing; they take on such a big dimension. The cinema is more powerful than real life, given that one can just exaggerate it the way he want it. When the illusory process gets exaggerated, it becomes more powerful than life. That is why seeker of truth stays away from belief system. Soul-centric reasoning  is reliable method to reach the realm of the soul, which is ultimate reality or Brahman.

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