Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is the richest and scientific wisdom. If one is desirous to acquire Self-knowledge
or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana than he has to be pried away from religion, yoga
and theoretical philosophy.
Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is currently
trapped within the religious orthodoxy. Worse still, the continued
identification of Gnanis with Pundits lends tacit support to the religious
differences in our world.
Religion still inspires humankind, and impedes genuine inquiry.
Merely being a self-described 'Gnani one does not get rid of the inborn
ignorance. The inborn ignorance is the
cause of the samskara or conditioning. One can get rid of the religious or
yogic conditioning or samskara but it is very difficult to get rid inborn
samskara or conditioning because the whole physical existence or the universe
is dependent on this inborn samskara or conditioning.
One has to drop religion and yoga and all other path and
practices if one wants Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
Path of wisdom is path of verification not path of argument.
There is no scope of argument in path of wisdom because the truth is non-dual. the argument is possible only in duality. Religion is egocentric (form)
whereas path of wisdom is soul-centric (formless). Therefore both are based on
different pole. Therefore by argument the
twos poles will never meet. It is foolish to venture in to argument.
Many self-proclaimed modern guru and yogis try to force an
ancient orthodox product into modern packaging through ornamental words and
playing with sentimentality and feelings of people but all these packages are
not Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana
All sort of conceptual packaging is a barrier in acquiring
Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
Without realizing people believe in prefabricated concepts
propagated by the orthodoxy and yogis about themselves and the world
confronting them and interpreting it on the base of the waking entity which is
the false self within the false experience.
Seeker has to sweep away all the accumulated knowledge so that
he sees the reality as-it-is.
Arguing about whether Buddha is right or Sankara is right will
not yield the truth about the non-dualistic truth or Advaitic truth propagated
by the great sages of truth. Argument
is not the means to Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Argument is the
great hindrance in pursuit of truth.
The person who argues and
trying to provoke is an intellectual.
Intellectualism is based on individuality. Individuality is false hood
because self is not an individual.
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