Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The seeker has to understand the fact that, ‘I’ is not the self but the formless witness of the ‘I’ is the true self.

The river (mind) moves towards the ocean (consciousness).  Until it reaches the ocean the river is identified as a river. When the river reaches (mind) the perfect understanding it becomes one with the ocean. 

The words are mere communication purpose.  It has to be used until we reach our spiritual destination. One  need not accept anything because I am saying or somebody is claiming.  One has  to verify through deeper inquiry and reasoning whatever I am saying.  Imposing my ideas on others is not my aim and it is not correct in pursuit of truth. 

The seekers of truth have to think it on a different base to overcome all the obstacles in the inner journey.  No one has the previous knowledge of the soul because they function themselves as a person (physical self or ego).

Everyone speculates and imagine whatever they have heard and read on the base of the physical self (waking entity or ego). By reading or hearing the self- realization will not occur, but by investigating through deeper  self-search , one becomes aware of the fact that, the experience of  diversity(waking or dream) is mere illusion  created out of single stuff. That single stuff is the soul,which is present in the form of consciousness.  Lot of homework is necessary in order  to assimilate the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.    

 Mental effort through deeper thinking one’s attention is shifted from ego to  the formless  soul, the innermost self. The formless  soul is the source of the mind(universe) from where it rises and subsides.

Consciousness is the substance and the witness of the duality.  The duality is present in the form of mind. The mind is present in the form of the universe. The universe appears as waking or dream and diapers as deep sleep. The one which is aware of the coming and going of the three states is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.  When the soul becomes aware of its formless non-dual true nature in the midst of duality it is called self –awareness. It is foolish to limit the consciousness only to duality because the consciousness pervades all the three states 

The earliest ancient sages used the word ‘I’ to the witness of the three states not to the ego as moderns use it and think the ‘I’ without the body as self. The seeker has to understand the fact that,  ‘I’ is not the self but the formless  witness of the ‘I’ is the true self. The true self is the formless soul ,  which is  real and eternal. 

People think that the ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ is something different from the mind. They believe that the mind is really two. This is the confusion among religious believers  and intellectuals. If ‘Soul’ has any meaning, if ‘spirit’ has any meaning, so long as one thinks of them, they are merely ideas. No, Mind is the highest: it is consciousness, non-dual wisdom.

The individual is a bundle of memories, desires within the waking or dream. The memories and desires are part of the duality. Therefore the individual self is entirely part and parcel of the mirage. Peoples' ideas of that they will go to some world after death, some astral plane or religious heavens will disappear as nonsense with the disappearance of belief in the reality of the ‘I’.  

Different People identify it with a different name:-  source or soul or spirit or Atman or consciousness or self or awareness or emptiness or nothingness or Christ consciousness or Buddha’s nature or center or whatever words one name it or calls it; it is one and the same thing.  

When wisdom dawns one that becomes diversity becomes unity

The Understanding and the one who understood is part of the waking.  Waking also appears and disappears as dream. Thus, the understating on the standpoint of the waking entity /ego is mere accumulation of dross.  Therefore, there is a need understand  the 'self is neither the waking entity nor the self is the dream entity but the self is the formless soul,which is the  witness of the three states,which comes and goes in succession. On the standpoint of the formless witness,  the three states are mere illusion. Thus the experience of  birth,life,death and the world  is mere illusion. 

The memory is based on the waking entity. Waking entity is  false self within the false experience. On the base of  the formless soul, the innermost  self,  the memory is part of the illusion.When the wisdom dawns, then the memory becomes part and parcel of the illusion.  

identifying self as the waking entity, which is the false self, fuels the sense of duality. Duality makes one feel the individuality as reality. Thus, the division /diversity are mere illusion on the standpoint of  the formless soul, the innermost self.   Knowledge of soul or consciousness,the innermost self brings unity in diversity. 

When wisdom dawns one that becomes diversity becomes unity. The duality and non-duality are one in essence.   Therefore,  the diversity(universe)   is mere illusion created out of non-dual material.  Thus the material alone is real and all else is mere illusion . The material is consciousness, the innermost self. 

Therefore,  the existence of the   formless witness of the three states has to be traced and mentally grasped, and then only the perfect understanding is possible. Otherwise one will remain in the grip physical based intellectuality. 

There is no way to discover the waking is an idea except through deeper self-search

The perfume and smelling which one has in a dream are only an idea. This helps to understand why similarly the five sense experiences which one has in waking experience are also ideas.all ideas are reality within the illusion.

There is no way to discover the waking is an idea except through deeper self-search.  Then only one becomes aware of the fact that, mind itself is the matter and the substance of the mind is spirit or consciousness. Thus one realizes the fact that matter is spirit in its essence.

Three state analyses cannot be used for this: it is only an illustration in this connection. Three state analyses is not needed to prove idealism: Scientific, analyses of feeling the only real proof. Three state analyses can merely illustrate idealism, although it is the only proof when you step beyond idealism. Scientific analysis of feeling is quite enough to prove idealism. When world is known to be idea, Three state analysis is only proof of world being in Atman the true self , and only way to understand  and assimilate the nature of Atman.

People make the mistake of viewing and judging the worldview on the base of ego, not on the base of Ataman the true self. They are good at reasoning on the base of ego, not on the base of Ataman, which gives the truth. Proof of non duality can only be got from inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base. Then only can one sees the world and yet know it to be nothing more than illusion, and illusion as Atman. 

Where was the world before prior to waking experience? It must have been in the Atman the true self, similarly when one awake into non dual wisdom he knows waking is illusion, and illusion(universe or mind)  is Atman finally.

It will be a great error to write that the world is unreal. It is not.  The world is reality within the waking. The correct statement is: "The waking is like a dream." This is because both dream and waking worlds are mental.  Illusion is only momentary although one minute may look like 1000 years in dream.

Atman is that which sees, the Witness and it cannot be described. It is not a state, cannot be. The three states merge in the Atman which is beyond.  Sleep is always present in all the three states. 

The worship or glorifying gurus does not free one from ignorance

The worship or glorifying gurus does not free one from ignorance. The rewards are none to them, the reward achieved in their lives is of consequence and not the result of worshiping and glorifying the gurus. 

People always need some sort of hope when their minds are not yet enlightened. "Self is closer to man than his own veins." "With the Self- Knowledge, one will begin to know the ultimate truth, so as to finally realize the fact that, self is not physical and becomes conscious that the true self is the Spirit."

Most people lack the patience and perseverance in investigating and collecting all the data  before judging: hence they assume guru are god men  are great because other people  say so, or that he is wise because he himself says so, or that what he teaches is true because it attracts them. Such an   attitude and easy assumptions becomes an obstacle to fold the truth and it requires some trouble to put into effect. 

Religionists say the scriptures are incapable of making a mistake, but in pursuit of truth scriptures are considered as the only book of words.  It is impossible to see if the scripture-writers thoughts are founded in fact or not. All concept of the heavens/paradise are imagined and physical based (‘I’).  Where obedience to authority leads to the loss of one is thinking power, it is being overdone and harmful. Thinking must be combined with obedience.

All the three states experience has to be resolutely weighed, and accurately, observed in the pursuit of truth, one must inquire:

What are these three states which appear and disappear?

What is ‘I’?

Hence, inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base is, a necessary foundation. The Yogi who looks only on the physical self and ignores to include the world away which is the part of the materials needed to find truth. 

Without knowing the nature of the three states, it is impossible to know the truth. What is the use of trying to find its inner self before it understands the three states.

People may quote the scriptures, make sacrifices to the gods, perform actions and pay homage    to the deities,   but there is no liberation from experiencing duality as reality without   recognizing   the    oneness with the soul which   is the true self. 

Scripture declares that there is no hope of immortality by means of wealth, so it is evident that liberation cannot be brought about by physical actions or karma.  Therefore the action is not the means to self-realization. 

Proper analysis leads to the realization of the reality of the three states, and this is the end of the pain of   the fear of the ignorance caused by delusion. 

The realization of the truth is possible only from inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, not     on bathing in Holy River or donations or by glorifying the god or gurus   or by yogic breathing exercises. 

Achievement of   the goal depends primarily   on the seriousness of the seeker

Monday, July 30, 2012

That which has witnessed one's youth, maturity and old age, itself remaining unchanged amid these changes, is the formless witness

All these experiences as father, wife, son, friend and  enemy were one and the same Mind appearing differently. All these distinctions disappear in the ultimate truth.

In the dream the mountain which is apparently insentient and material, is nevertheless still the  mind alone. Whether living or dead, conscious or unconscious thought or matter, all things are appearances of one and the same Mind. All these distinctions are seen by a Gnani as only the consciousness.

Ignorance: When one  knows that there is no duality, ignorance goes. And when one does not know what an illusion  is, there is ignorance. And when one  imagines time space and cause, there is illusion. Sunyavadin Buddhists who say everything is non-existence,:- then how does one see, hear, think?  All these differences, all this multiplicity, all this ignorance which regards the multiplicity as real, is caused by one's  own thinking.

That which has witnessed one's  youth, maturity and old age, itself remaining unchanged amid these changes, is the formless witness (soul or consciousness). 

The dream entity and the dream world are created out of consciousness and they are not different from it; similarly the waking world entity and waking world are also created out of consciousness.   When one knows that everything is consciousness then there is no need for yogic control of mind. Control presupposes second, a duality. Hence yoga is in the sphere of duality and is unnecessary to one who knows non-duality

Non dual wisdom requires investigate into the mind, analyzing the mind, which is in the form of the universe and the universe appears as waking or dream.  One has to the fact that, the mind rises and subsides from formless source, which is soul or consciousness. The consciousness is the innermost self. Therefore, one has to learn to judge the truth from the standpoint of the source from where the mind rises and subsides, not from the standpoint of the waking entity, which is the false self within the false experience.

As one gets convinced, certain, of the truth that the world is nothing but consciousness, and there is no second thing, then he gets a conviction that, all the three states to be consciousness in the midst of duality. Realizing the non-dualistic or Advaitic truth in the midst of duality is wisdom.

Seekers only goal is to remove all the obstacles which his blocking his realization

Self-realization cannot be bought in the spiritual supermarket because truth cannot be patented as individual property because the ultimate truth or Brahman is declared by the sage scientists Sri, Sankara and Goudpada 1400 years back.

Only the orthodoxy which is meant for the lower stage of understanding, who are incapable of grasping the non- dualistic truth, but to those who are capable must use their own reason.
Thus nondual truth can be attained by scientific or rational inquiry and reasoning without guru, without scriptures by anyone who has urge to know the universal truth or Brahman.
  Thus if one is seeking  non-dual or Advaitic   truth he need not go anywhere because it is within his mind and it is without his mind. Thus perfect understanding is necessary to assimilate and realize it.     
Seeker of truth has to avoid getting involved with the guru or teaching if wants acquire Self-Knowledge because emotionally getting involved with a guru or teaching becomes great hindrance and one will permanently remain in the prison of physicality or duality.

One finds lots of differences between orthodox  Advaitic preaching and practice. There is a need to bifurcate religion, the concept of god and scriptures from Advaitic philosophy to assimilate the essence of Advaita.   

Sage Sri, Sankara says in Brahma Sutras: that Brahman is the cause of the world, whereas in Mandukya he denies it. This is because he says that at the lower stage of understanding, the former teaching must be given, for people will get frightened as they cannot understand how the world can be without a cause, but to those in a higher stage, the truth of non-causality can be revealed.

Sri, Sankara himself has warned us not to use ambiguous words, and to practice semantic analysis in his book "Definition of one's own Self. (" Page 199, v.24 of "Sankara's Selected Works)

Sri, Sankara founded his Advaita Vedanta either on reason independent of sruti or on sruti confirmed by reason."   Sri, Sankara's commentary on the Mandukya Upanishad, II, 1:  This [the unreality of duality] is borne out by the Srutis ... But it is possible also to show the unreality of the object world even from pure reasoning, and this second chapter is undertaken for that purpose.

 Sri, Sankara himself had often said that his philosophy was based on Sruti, or revealed scripture.  This may be because Sri, Sankara addressed the ordinary man, who finds security in the idea of causality and thus in the idea of God—and Revelation is indispensable to prove the latter.  He believed that those of superior intelligence, have no need of this idea of divine causality, and can therefore dispense with Sruti and arrive at the truth of Non-Dualism by pure reason. 

Sri, Sankara, in debates with Buddhists and others who did not recognize the authority of the Vedas, had been obliged to prove the truth of the Advaita by means of reason alone.  Mandukya Upanishad, a scripture which appealed to reason to the exclusion of Revelation. 

Nonduality does not need the support of any Scripture or Revelation like the Veda. Since it is based, not upon the varying theological fancies, which are as numerous as the sands of the sea, but upon reason, the common heritage of all mankind, irrespective of color or creed or clime.

Thus, self-knowledge is meant only for those who have intense urge, and courage to accept the truth with humility and reject the untruth. Since people start comparing with their scriptural knowledge, it becomes impossible to assimilate and realize the non-dual truth.   Therefore, there is no need to convince anyone other than our own-selves to get the firm conviction. 

In pursuit of truth seeker has to use his reason in order to have knowledge and understanding.  First one must become aware of the fact that, ‘I’ is not the self and realize the fact that holding ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self is obstruction his realization.    This is possible only when one becomes aware of the fact that ‘I’ is not limited to the body but to the whole world confronting him.

Seekers only goal is to remove all the obstacles which his blocking his realization.  Thus whatever blocks his realization has to be mentally discarded to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman.    Orthodox or theist nonduality is no means to self-realization. 

So many centuries have passed since Sage Sri, Sankara appeared; yet it is very hard to find his true teachings understood anywhere in the world today because so few could rise to his level.

Knowledge of the self-gathered from books or gurus can never emancipate a man until its truth is rightly investigated and applied; only direct realization will do that. Realize yourself, turning the mind inward.  – NIRAKARA

The seeker has to realize the fact that the right path to acquiring Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is the inner (mental) path.   

Swami Vivekananda said: -You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”

In this hi~fi world many self-declared Spiritual Gurus are born like mushroom amidst us and they are looked upon as a great solace by the mass of gullible people, who are more ‘peace and wisdom hungry.

Most seekers are looking for something beyond their inherited belief system. Most of this dollar hungry gurus hankering after titles and honors and enjoying it like these modern day self-styled gurus and they are connected one or other controversies and scandals.

People get stuck with these modern self-proclaimed gurus who claimed to be enlightened.  Many of these Gurus have taken many new “avatars” like Corporate Gurus, Universal Gurus, online Gurus, Global Gurus, one name it, he will find  them. The honest Gurus and swamis never come to limelight and they remain minding their own inherited divine business remains aloof from the publicity.  

There are so many   gurus who have overnight become Global Gurus. They only play with the feelings of people. Most of them are propagating ancient yogic practices as if it is their own great new invention and branding them or getting them patented,   this is the height of the mockery of spirituality. As long as innocent and ignorant people are there, these kinds of Gurus can flourish their business to a peak height. They are fooling the mass who is unaware of the fact that their inherited belief system itself is not an original Vedic religion. 

So many centuries  have passed since Sage Sri Sankara appeared, yet it is very hard to find his true teachings understood anywhere in the world  today because so few could rise to his level. Hence dualistic sages  and others came to supply the common demand.

Sage Sri  Sankara gave religious, ritual or dogmatic instruction to the populace, but pure philosophy only to the few who could rise to it. Hence the interpretation of his writings by commentators is often confusing because they mix up the two viewpoints. Thus, they may assert that ritual is a means of realizing Brahman, which is absurd. 

People never accept the universe is an illusion it is because they are part and parcel of that illusion. The reality of the illusory universe often confuses people.

People never accept the universe is an illusion it is because they are part and parcel of that illusion. The reality of the illusory universe often confuses people.
The universe is a reality on the base of false entity (ego) within the false experience (waking).  The universe is an illusion on the standpoint the soul, which is the innermost self. The soul is in the form of formless consciousness.  This is because of some logical reasons. First analyze the definition of Truth, and hence why the universe is not considered true.
The wisdom consists in knowing the truth, that everything (mind or physical existence) is consciousness. Freedom (truth) is always there yet one does not know it.  But to those whose reason is turned away from physicality and who have attained the serenity of the formless  soul the innermost self (consciousness) are quite near to the ultimate truth. 

To think once own body and his experience of the world is an illusion is a difficult matter, unless one realizes the self is not physical but it is formless soul it is difficult to have a glimpse of truth.
When one realizes the fact that, the self is not physical but the formless soul, naturally the body and the universe become illusion.

The Mind (universe)is emanating from the  formless soul (consciousness) means the mind is being effect from consciousness is not different from it. Deeper analysis shows it. Analysis needs deeper thinking and reasoning. The mind is whole universe thus it has a form. But where is the form in consciousness (soul) because consciousness is like an ocean and mind is like a wave.  The universe is same consciousness, as the ocean produces the wave, so the consciousness produces the mind (universe).

The moment one knows the mind (universe) is consciousness, and then there is no ignorance. If one knows consciousness as self then everything is consciousness, the consciousness is second to none.  The mind is consciousness but due to ignorance one mistakes it for something else. One thinks the self is within the body; but the self is without the body and the world.

The mind ceases to exist without the matter. Without the matter mind ceases to exist as mind but it exists as matter- less awareness or consciousness. Without the mind neither the world nor its perceiver can exist.

Without the matter there is no duality. Without duality there is no experience. Without experience it is non-dual reality. Therefore, whatever prevails without the mind is ultimate reality.

The true nature of the soul (consciousness) is camouflaged by the illusion/duality.  To know the truth one has to discover and realize the formless substance of the mind or illusion. One has to learn to view and judge the three states on the standpoint the formless soul as self.   Self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana  is the prime goal of the truth seeker. This goal is hidden within the mind as its invisible substance and witness. Therefore, it is necessary inquiry, analyze and reason into the nature of mind/ duality/illusion in order to unfold the mystery of mind or duality or illusion.

The person, who stamped their foot on the ground to refute to show the world, is real, ignore that in a dream he would do exactly the same--stamp his dream foot on the ground and assert it to be real.

. The real cannot be described; it must be discovered and realized

The words betray the hollowness. The real cannot be described; it must be discovered and realized. Whatever the words try to convey is only helpful to grasp the truth. The nondual truth has to be grasped and realized.  Man knows only the world, and his individual experiences within the world.   He is not aware of the fact that, he and his experience of the world are part of the illusion. He views and judges the truth on the base of his birth entity, which is false entity, thus he is stuck in the muck of illusion or duality. The nondual truth lies beyond the physical based understanding.  Thus, it is necessary to verify the fact through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning about his own inherited beliefs and accumulated knowledge, in order to realize, how they become an obstacle in realizing the truth.

The physical conditioning of the soul will be dropped only when it realizes the fact that, the physical self or ego is not the self. Thus struggling to get rid of the ego and ego based conditioning or samskara is a foolish venture.

Constant mental pounding is necessary through constant reflecting on the truth that, the soul is the true self and on the base of the soul all else is mere mirage/illusion.  When one grasps this  truth and becomes firm in his conviction the physical conviction drops and the nondual wisdom dawns.  Thus, one becomes aware of the nondual truth in the midst of the experience of duality or illusion. 

Reason is the common ground for the whole humankind in the modern age, whereas the appeal to scriptural relations reaches only the creed and sects.  Those who argue that truth is only in their religion are vain logicians, depending on mere ideas, speculations and imaginations.

Truth is bitter pill. It becomes very difficult for the seeker to accept it at first; because of his inborn and also his inherited conditioning or samskara. Gradually he will be able to grasp it as he moves on.
The illusion is present only in ignorance where, 'I' and you are separate entities. In truth, there is neither 'I' nor you, nor, the illusion. Therefore there is no teaching, no teacher, and no student in reality.

Truth pursuit is a very personal journey. The seeker has to verify minutely on his own, “what is truth”, and “what is not truth”, before accepting anything as truth. The illusion exists as reality, only on the base of the ego, which is he false self within the false experience.

Non duality is the state of oneness of existence and there is no scope in its philosophy for anything like non-existence.

Formless soul or Consciousness is the witness that experiences the action, the actor, and the world of separate things. It is like a light that illuminates everything in a theatre, revealing the master of ceremonies, the guests, and the dancers with complete impartiality. Even when they all depart, the light shines to reveal their absence.

What is not consciousness (formless) in the experience of diversity (universe or waking)?  The waking and the dream cease to exist without consciousness.  The seeker, seeking and his destination   all are one in essence.

For Gnani, who is aware of the fact that the self is not physical but self is consciousness, there is no illusion, even though; he is in the midst of illusion, because he is fully aware of the fact that, all the three states are consciousness.  Therefore he is conscious of consciousness in the midst of the illusion

The language of the duality, invented by the within the duality, for use in the dualistic world, when used to describe non-duality, produces these apparent contradictions, because there no apparatus in non-duality, because noting exist other than the soul, which is in the form of consciousness.

Non duality is the state of oneness of existence and there is no scope in its philosophy for anything like non-existence.

Gaudapada’s rational exposition of Advaita:- that whatever is seen, whether external or internal, whether by the ordinary persons or yogis, is unreal.

The essence of Mandukya's is: Do not be satisfied with rituals, yoga etc. which are good in their own way, but inquire. Inquire into the nature of the mind. ? Brahman and Atman are things one can never see. So seeker should not inquire into them.  He has to inquire into the world around him, which he can see. The analysis   tells him it is passing away every second. Everything is dying repeatedly. Where is it going? Thus he follows up his investigation into what he can lay hands on. How can he inquire into Atman which he cannot see? So first he must deal with the known and seen, this inquiry leads up to the unknown in the end.

Mediocre minds waste their time on arguing about unimportant matters. Accumulation of scriptural knowledge is dangerous in pursuit of truth. The seeker has to establish in the truth of Non-duality by sheer reasoning alone. The seeker has to begin by defining "What is real?" "What is unreal?" etc, because that is the right way to discuss, understand and assimilate Self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana. 

By becoming more and more intellectual one becomes more and more intoxicated to individuality. The intellectuality is limited to duality.  In the realm of truth the intellectuality is replaced by non-dual wisdom.  There is nothing exist other than formless non dual existence. Therefore, there is   no individual to become sane or insane. There is no second thing exists, other than consciousness.  Everything is one, that is, unity in diversity. The curiosity, urge cannot be imposed on others.  It has to sprout within. One need not become a guru because the guru is within guides every seeker.

 If one is aiming to be a master, Guru or teacher, he will never reach his destination. One has to share his knowledge with the fellow seeker not to make them his followers but only direct them if they are interested to travel beyond form, time and space.

It is foolish to impose our idea on others because everyone is not in the same level of understanding.  Every one's inner work is on. When they are ripe enough they will understand, assimilate and realize on their own.  If they are ready and sharp enough they will grasp it instantly and they will reach their destination with lesser time and effort. Thus preaching, teaching is not wisdom, but by very careful reasoning, the seeker has to determine the nature of reality. Thinking in right direction alone helps seeker determining the nature of reality.