Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The knowledge accumulated are scriptures or something from more recently published books are mere pointers to truth but not wisdom.

 People consider themselves to be knowledgeable because they have read books and well informed about the subject. But all these accumulated knowledge is not wisdom. One can’t get non-dual wisdom from accumulating knowledge.

The knowledge accumulated are scriptures or something from more recently published books are mere pointers to truth but not wisdom. First, whether we're aware of it or not, as one reads he is imposing his own cultural conditioning, biases, experiences, and prior knowledge onto what he is reading; this is how his brains work. He “makes sense" of new things by associating them with things he already knows.
Most of the time, this is useful. But if the "new thing" is utterly different from anything one has been exposed to before, he is almost certain to distort it to make it fit into pre-existing conceptual boxes. So much of knowledge is about changing perspective, but that's hard to do when one is twisting the knowledge around to fit the perspectives he is already has.
People read so many scriptures or books and indulge in tedious meditation and rituals. Finally they come to know that the true self is formless soul or consciousness (Ataman).  Consciousness is ultimate truth or Brahman. Soul or consciousness, the innermost self was already present in him even before reading scriptures and before doing the meditation.

In pursuit of truth one becomes aware of the fact that the true self is not the body [I], but the soul or consciousness, which was already, was before all this practice or effort. And all these practice based on the false self is a waste of time and effort.  And by practicing   all these egocentric practices he did not achieve anything other than hallucinated realization.

When Upanishad itself declares:-   sarvam khalvidam brahma - all this (universe) is verily Brahman. By following back all of the relative appearances in the world, we eventually return to that from which it is all manifest – the non-dual reality [ Chandogya Upanishad]

Then it is no use going roundabout way, trace the Brahman which is the formless substance and witness of the universe, which is in the form of mind.  By tracing the source of the mind or universe one will be able to realize the Brahman.

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