A yogi cannot attain realization
because he thinks his body to be body and world to be the world and fails to see
them as consciousness and thinks his experience of Samadhi is because of his
individual effort. The individual experience is limited to waking experience is
mere illusion. Thus even his Samadhi is also limited to the waking experience,
which is mere illusion. He thinks the thoughtlessness is Samadhi but thoughts
are of the individuality. Thoughts disappear even in deep sleep. Therefore deep
sleep is not wisdom. If one thinks thoughtlessness is Samadhi and Samadhi is
Brahman then any one get knowledge of Brahman by taking sleeping pills or
Yogi’s they limit
the mind to the physical entity, thus they fail to realize the non-dual
truth. They stick up to their accepted
truth and they remain stagnant with their belief.
The individual
experience is mere illusion. Thus
without first examining them and inquiring into them thoroughly is to delude
oneself. The three states common to all; therefore, one must begin his inquiry
analysis and reasoning on the true base. It is only after it has inquired into
the nature of the three states that he should inquire into who is the
knower/witness. If, however one inquires into the knower before the analysis
of the three states, then it is mere mysticism. What are these three states?
Must precede' what is ‘I’?'
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