Sunday, July 29, 2012

He who mistakes ‘I’ as self will never reaches the ultimate end of the journey.

To what do these three states relate? It does not relate the physical entity within the waking/dream.  The physical entity is not the self, and the physical entity exists within the waking and dream.  Therefore, how the physical entity, which is present only in waking/dream, can be the self. The self is that, which is aware of the three states, which appears and disappears in succession.    The sense of ‘I’ rises only when the body with the name identified as self within the false experience.  

The realization of the self beyond all dualities, as the soul has no attributes. This self-awareness is reached through relentless uncompromising inquiry and reasoning. By the three states and witness analysis, the three states are absorbed and are merged in the witness consciousness, which is the soul/spirit.  When the individual identity is lost, a state of universal mental mode of awareness is reached.

He who mistakes ‘I’ as self will never reach  the  ultimate end of the journey.  It is very difficult to accept these facts because everyone is viewing and judging the truth on the base of false self within the false experience. Therefore, it is necessary to verify the fact that, the waking entity is not the self, but the soul is the true self. The soul , the innermost self is aware of the three states.  Therefore, it is necessary to judge the truth on the base of the soul, in order to assimilate and realize the ultimate truth or Brahman. 

When the seeking mind masters the art of viewing and judging the three states on the base of the soul, the conditioning based on physical self/ego drops, then it will be able to view and judge on the base of the soul. Then it becomes fully aware of the fact that, the experience of diversity is a mere mirage created out it. Therefore, it becomes fully aware of the fact that, no second thing exists other than itself in the midst of experience of diversity. 

Till they think individual self (‘ waking entity or ego’) as self they, will not be able to grasp and assimilate the self-knowledge. Scholars’ are stuck to their ideas; they do not look beyond the scriptures. Even  Sage Sri, Sankara says the truth lies beyond religion, god, scriptures’ and karma theory and when this is mentioned it to orthodoxy; they have their own version and understanding of it. It is very difficult to discuss with orthodox, because they try to snub, when anyone says religion; the scriptures are not needed to realize the Advitic truth, we cannot blame them because they are groomed to believe in religion, god, guru and they think every scriptural scholar is guru.

The pundits’ clear-cut instruction, he has to discuss only on the base of scriptures.   There is no scope for discussion. We have to accept what they say as ultimate truth even if we know they are wrong and accept, what they say is right.  That is scholastic attitude.  

Even anyone knows the truth he has to pretend as if does not know anything and he has to pretend he is listening to them.  

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