Tuesday, July 17, 2012

By tracing the source of the mind or universe one will be able to realize the Brahman.

The religion and yoga are not the means to Self- Realization. Formless  path is not teaching but it is mere signposts to help the serious seekers to remove all the fetters, and helps to clears all doubts and confusions, which is blocking his realization.  Realize the ultimate truth or Brahman in lesser time and effort.

The present human experience provides us with bountiful opportunities in our present life to turn towards reality of our existence. Seeker of the truth has to make maximum use of the opportunity to overcome the experience of illusory duality which everyone is experiencing it as reality and to strive towards liberation from illusory experience of cycle of birth, life death and the world.

Truth is the process whereby humanity attains its highest fulfillment and spirituality is a means to this end.

Duality and non-duality are the spiritual essence of human experience. Religion and theological will spell social fragmentation, cultural seppuku and impotent ideology. Freedom demands that one has to gain the knowledge of his true self in order to unfold the mystery of his existence.

Universe, which appears as Waking experience is the manifestation of the Consciousness the innermost self. This is the key of spiritual dimension of the truth seeker; one discovers a new fellowship which provides universally relevant unitive foundation to all the seekers of truth. 

Orthodoxy is path of ignorance.  And ignorant worships mechanically perform the prescribed sacrifices without any thought as to why they are doing them.  

That is why Ish Upanishads says: - such people no wonder they grope in the dark. They are doomed unless someday the truth dawns on them that to save themselves they must seek Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Gaudapada says: - the merciful Veda teaches karma and upaasana to people of lower and middling intellect, while jnana is taught to those of higher intellect.

For those who are incapable of inquiring and not yet ready for Self-Knowledge  or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana, the worship and glorifying of god and gurus is recommended.

Even, Mundaka Upanishad:- The rituals and the sacrifices described in the Vedas deal with lower knowledge. The sages ignored these rituals and went in search of higher knowledge. ... Such rituals are unsafe rafts for crossing The sea of samsara, of birth and death. Doomed to shipwreck are those who try to cross The sea of samsara on these poor rafts. Ignorant of their own ignorance, yet wise In their own esteem, these deluded men Proud of their vain learning go round and round Like the blind led by the blind.

So they clearly indicate rituals and theories are not meant for those who are searching for the higher knowledge or wisdom.   The path of wisdom is the only means.  No religious ceremony will bring you Truth, says the Upanishads.

All the orthodox Advaitins indulge and immersed themselves in ritualistic oriented life style and follow the path of karma and upasana which is meant for lower and middling intellect   and not for realizing the Advaitic truth.  Many chose these orthodox scholars as their gurus. But these gurus are good to learn the conceptual Advaita meant for those orthodox who believe their conduct oriented life style leads to Moksha (liberation).  But religious based Advaita is not   the means to acquire Self –Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  Those who are seeking truth have to do their own homework in order to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Buddha rejected religion, concept of god and scriptures, no one called the Buddha an atheist, instead the Hindus accepted him as an Avatar. J.Krishnamurti with all his grooming and upbringing condemned priest craft, but accepted by the spiritual world, as man of wisdom. There is no need to condemn any religion or god or scriptures, but there is a need to know the truth, and reject the untruth, after verifying thoroughly. Seeker of truth should never accept anything as truth without verifying the validity of any claim, and accept only the un-contradictable truth.  
BRIHAD UPANISHADS(Page 133 1st para) :- even yoga cannot give perfect concentration and that the only way to gain it is philosophical realization. This confirms Mandukya's statement that yoga can no more succeed than the ocean can be emptied with a blade of grass.
BRIH. UPANISHAD( page 32)  :- Yoga does not yield truth or liberation."

Upanishad and one will see that it says Atman the innermost self is known by Reason alone, by sharpened and purified intellect. Yet still people worship Yoga and mysticism as the sole means of attaining Atman.

When Upanishad itself declares:-   sarvam khalvidam brahma - all this (universe) is verily Brahman. By following back all of the relative appearances in the world, we eventually return to that from which it is all manifest – the non-dual reality (Chandogya Upanishad)

Then it is no use going roundabout way, trace the Brahman which is the formless substance and witness of the universe or mind.  By tracing the source of the mind or universe one will be able to realize the Brahman.

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