Tuesday, July 17, 2012

In the deep sleep there is neither waking nor dream experience.

In the deep sleep there is neither waking nor dream experience. The dream is parallel waking and waking is parallel dream. In the deep sleep experience the waking or dream too is dormant and consciousness alone is there. In deep sleep there is only non-dual tranquility and total ignorance of everything, as is proved by the fact that, when a person wakes up from sleep he or she says, “I slept deeply, I did not know anything”. This proves that the soul, which is in the form consciousness, exists in the deep sleep in its formless non-dual true nature. In deep sleep there is nothing but the consciousness in its own awareness. The waking or dream is only a mirage created out of consciousness. Due to ignorance the mirage is experienced as reality by the false self within the false experience. When self-knowledge arises, this ignorance is destroyed then the self, which is in the form of consciousness alone remains, which can never be negated.
Consciousness is devoid of all qualities and is neither a doer nor an experiencer. In ignorance it appears as waking experience or dream. And in deep sleep it remains in its formless non-dual true nature. Thus the one that appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep is consciousness. Thus all the three states are consciousness because there is no second thing exists, other than consciousness.
All the confusion is because some thinkers and intellectuals hold the physical body itself is the self, another that the sense organs are the self, yet another that the mind is the self. All these are rejected when one becomes aware of the fact that, the soul, which is in the form of consciousness as true self. Many people hold on to the concept that there is no such thing as soul because their teacher said so or some teaching said so or some scripters say so. Thus they get stuck with the idea of no soul and remain as stagnant water dropping all the further investigation and trying to find answers for their shortcomings in their worldly life.

Deeper investigation reveals the fact that, the individual self is limited to the waking entity or dream entity, is not the self, because the waking experience is also falsehood. Therefore, the self is the formless knower [witness] of the coming and going of the three states. And also it is the formless substance of the three states. Thus, the soul is in the form of consciousness, is the true self
The view of materialists that there is no self or soul different from the body has to be rejected, because the consciousness itself is the soul, which pervades all the three states. Materialists do not accept the existence of a soul different from the body but how can they find the soul within the body when it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.
Self ‘is beyond the waking or dream because it is neither the waking entity nor it is the dream entity. The self exists by itself only in deep sleep without the limitation of sense of form, time and space. The self is attribute- less, non-dual entity which alone prevails when all the three states are negated mentally.
Self” is neither five elements, nor any of the organs individually, nor all the elements or organs together as a whole. The body and universe exists within the waking or dream. Thus the body and the universe are limited to the waking or dream. The self is within the universe, which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. It is within the waking or dream as their formless substance and it is without the waking or dream as their formless witness. If is within because the waking or dream are mere mirage created out of the self, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus forms and names within waking or dream have no value because the waking or dreams are mere mirage created out of the consciousness. The waking or dreams are impermanent whereas the formless substance and witness of the waking or dream are permanent

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