Tuesday, July 10, 2012

One has to mentally negate all the three states in order to realize the fact that, the witness is within the three states and it is without the three states

Soul is the true self. The true self is in the form of consciousness. Consciousness is something other than the physical existence because it cannot be traced as thing or an object. It pervades in everything and everywhere in the whole physical existence.  It is the cause of the physical existence and it itself is uncaused.

Consciousness persists through all three states. One has to mentally negate all the three states in order to realize the fact that,  the witness is within the three states and it is without the three states. It is within the three states as their formless substance and it is without the three states as their formless witness.

The true existence is consciousness without the form, time and space. Therefore the self is nothing other than the consciousness. However, this consciousness is not the flux of states, a stream of consciousness.

Consciousness is the knower, knowledge, the known. It is infinite, transcendent, the essence of absolute knowledge. And it is also -illumined, free, and real. Thus the consciousness is the knower of all and all else is known other than consciousness. The known is mere illusion created out of the formless knower.  Therefore, the knower and the known are one in essence.   In reality there is neither the knower nor the known but only oneness.

The various thoughts rise because of ignorance. The ignorance is because of experiencing the illusion as reality. Illusion will prevail until one is remains in the prison of his accumulating knowledge. The accumulated knowledge makes one more and more egoic.  And the egoic attitude will block one from acquiring the non-dual wisdom.  The truth cannot be bought in the spiritual super market, but seeker has to acquire it with his own mental effort by constant inquiry, analysis and reasoning.   Patience, humility and receptiveness are needed in pursuit of truth.  

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