Nothing is real other than consciousness
is real other than consciousness. Noting matters other than realizing
the real. The real is hidden within the unreal. The real is within the
unreal but it is without the unreal.
The real cannot be argued
about, it cannot be theorized, nor can it be discussed and understood.
It can only be lived. Consciously Stilled mind is consciousness.
we talk to the religious minded people we should praise, uphold and
encourage their belief in religion, but not when we are talking to those
who seek truth, because only one person in thousands belongs to the
latter group. Until one is ready we should talk the subject what
inspires and suits them; but as doubts come to them, instruct we have to
them further according to their mental capacity.
Non dual truth
is intended only for the few who can understand it. Nevertheless as the
common people cannot grasp it, since, they are conditioned to believe
yoga or orthodox religion as means of Self-Realization. Only when they
seek advice we have to inform them that the yoga and religion are not
the highest and there is a higher path to the truth, and not to stop
forever in the lower stage which is yoga and religion.
In our
everyday life man uses his sense his senses to know about everything
around him. Most of his physical knowledge is acquired through the sense
of seeing i.e. through physical eyes. The reaming part is through the
other sense.
The modern science has understood well the limitation of
the human senses hence the scientists have developed and are still
developing many instruments which are far more capable then the human
senses. However there is a side of nature, which is not perceptible to
sensory to sensory organs or any scientific instrument. This is the
hidden side of the nature. Many references can be found to this hidden
side of the nature in almost every religious scripture.
hidden side of the nature is the soul/Atman which is the true self. Many
seers from ancient time have been mentioning that, the knowledge of
this true self [truth] set the man free from experiencing the duality as
reality. Thus it is necessary to know the knowledge of the true self in
order to realize the fact that the entire sensory instrument and the
experience are dependent on the soul for their existence. Thus the
non-dual truth can be unfolded only when one learns to view and judge
the worldview on the base of the soul which is the formless substance
and witness of the three states.
The seeker who learns to view
and judge the worldview on the base of the soul as self will be able to
grasp and realize the non-dual truth. If every human being is able to
view and judge the worldview on the base of the soul as self it will
certainly revolutionize the life on the earth and free man kind from the
wars and terror activities which is going on in the name of god and
religion. Therefore, there is need to know the truth of our true
existence, to know what is truth and what is untruth, in order to judge
himself of what is right and what is wrong.
Man’s understanding
is through organs confined to phenomenal world. The physical body and
the world are created out of the soul. Thus all the diversity in
experience is within the mind which appears and disappears as
waking/dream. When the mind remains in its formless non dual true nature
it is called soul and we ignorantly identify it as deep sleep state on
the base of the ego/physical self.
Never talk of non-duality to
anyone unless he seeks and wants it, or unless he is bothered with
doubts. If one does, he will be looked on as a madman or fool and do no
good at all.
Men are divided into three classes of intelligence.
Those with lowest are follow religion, those in the intermediate
practice yoga, those in the highest are seek truth. Religion and yoga
are not bad; but they are not means to acquire non dual wisdom.
common people religion and yoga it is enough." This is the highest they
can practice. But the non-dual truth is for the few who could grasp it.
must realize and note the different distinctions among men. There are
religionists who practice rituals/ rites, the Pundits who interpret
scriptures, and mysticisms, and yogis who practice meditations/Samadhi,
lastly seekers of truth inquire and reason on the true base to acquire
the highest truth.
There are different grades of intelligence
among people as they rise in the scale. Different mind-sets attracted to
different past and practice. People are divided into three grades of
intelligence, high, middling and low. Religion is prescribed for the
lowest; they are there and not to be condemned, but people with wisdom
must respect because they are like children, not knowing better.
man of truth is the one who can think for himself, he has the right to
think; whereas the lowest regards questioning as blasphemous and
dangerous to religion.
The non-dual truth can’t be grasped
people, because they cannot understand it, even though they are
intellectuals, and they will only misunderstand it because of their
grooming. They cannot rise higher because they are trying to assimilate
with their misinterpretation, but they have the conceit that they know
better because they have well read. To study non duality is impossible
if one is unready. It cannot be studied like other subject because it is
knowledge of the beyond has to be grasped mentally.
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